After an unknown incident, humanoid beings known only from fantasy books start appearing on our planet without any memories of past life. You play as the son of possibly the first person to ever interact with Visitors. Join an interracial school, meet a diverse cast of characters, laugh with them, cry with them, and despite many difficulties help your classmates find their place in the world.
Features :
Second Persistent save location (./Documents/Yopi/)
Grant storage permissions on first run!
Gestures :
Swipe up: Open Menu
Swipe down: Hide Interface
Swipe right: Skip
Swipe left: Rollback
Iconic Menu Toggle :
While most people are using gears for preferences purpose i'm using the single gear for it and the double gears for cheats / mods options when there are available for the game
Delete save from save/load screen
Up to 30 save slots per page
Save Name Toggle
Change Player Name
Text Box Opacity and Text Size sliders
Powersave Toggle
Hardware Acceleration
Fonts Selector :
No available on every port, can cause some issues in Sandbox game that's why you will mostly find this feature on Visual Novel games